This is to help out ro... Avengers melee is rather mid-late game and requires quick moves and a lot of c and s scrolls. the basic spells you need are going to be q and e (walk of darkness and true form) and later on,avesta as a safeguard. Basically the point of this is to use q for the damage boost and the passive stun, then turning on true form for an attack speed and hp bonus. Due to walk of darknesses short duration, it is key to use s scrolls and c scrolsl and movement boosts to catch up to your opponent when they try to run away, therefor getting the most out of walk of darkness. People tend to get some damage and then agi, but in my opinion maxing damage first, then getting the melee attribute, THEN getting agility works better. Remember though, the key to this is walk of darkness and maxed damage. These two together if used right, can potentially bring out some of the heaviest dps in the game. (Avesta late game in my opinion makes it the BEST dps). Hope this help in ur guide ro, avenger isnt exactly my specialty but every little bit counts.